Topics covered: Adding activities, photos, and translations. Any other questions? Ask via Twitter or email.
How to add an activity to Retromat?
Activities are picked, edited and added by me, Corinna Baldauf. If you want to suggest an activity, please use the Search-button repeatedly to make sure it’s not already in Retromat.
Suggestions have a chance of getting in, if they are
1) different from existing ones
2) not too complicated
3) positive and timeless (e.g. not Christmas-themed, referencing current political figures, …)
About a third of all suggested activities are a good fit for Retromat and land on my sizeable “To add”-pile.
Full disclosure: I rarely have enough time and energy to add activities. I go into the reasons in “Help make Retromat sustainable“.
If you’d still like to take your chances, hit me with that suggestion:
How to add photos to Retromat?
You can send me photos via email 🙂
Please add the activity id to the file name.
It’s helpful if you only send pics for activities that don’t have a pic yet. The 5th pic for the same activity does not add much value. I will only replace or add to existing photos if yours is markedly different or much higher quality.
About once per half a year I have the time and energy to edit and link the photos I received in the last 6 months. I’ll notify you as soon as your photos go live.
What about a translation into language $yourMotherTongue?
Great, if you’re confident you have the time and energy to translate at least 30 activities, email me and we will configure your language.
Retromat has a barebone translation editor. We will send login credentials your way. Once you have translated the first 16 activities your language goes live \o/
Oh, 16 activities plus the text on the Retromat homepage. The homepage is not in the translation editor but variables in a PHP file. Are you familiar with code and / or checking out code from github? If not, I’ll send you the file manually.
Is there anyone that might help you? It’s nice to have someone to proofread your translations and obviously it’s faster if 2 people share the work.
Once you’ve reached the critical 16 activities + homepage, hit us up so that we can add your language to the language switcher and it goes live for all the world to see.
How can I help with a translation?
You want to help with an translating a language that is already live? Awesome!
Email me and I will introduce you to the existing translators. If they would like your help, email me again so that I send you login credentials for Retromat’s barebone translation editor.